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Our Team of Joint and
Spine Specialists
General Orthopedics includes most all musculoskeletal problems not limited to but including, the shoulder, arms, elbows, hands, spine, hips, legs, knees, ankles, and foot. Fractures, sprains, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis are common ailments often related to orthopedic doctors although additionally they care for many other issues that also cause bone or joint pain.
General Orthopedics includes most all musculoskeletal problems not limited to but including, the shoulder, arms, elbows, hands, spine, hips, legs, knees, ankles, and foot. Fractures, sprains, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis are common ailments often related to orthopedic doctors although additionally they care for many other issues that also cause bone or joint pain.
General Orthopedics includes most all musculoskeletal problems not limited to but including, the shoulder, arms, elbows, hands, spine, hips, legs, knees, ankles, and foot. Fractures, sprains, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis are common ailments often related to orthopedic doctors although additionally they care for many other issues that also cause bone or joint pain.
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