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All peptides

Peptide bioregulators​ are proven to restore​ and improve organ function.
Clinical studies​ have been conducted since 1971 showing amazing effectiveness.
No side effects ​have been detected.

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Bonomarlot: for bone marrow
Bonomarlot is a cytomax containing peptide bioregulators of bone marrow. It promotes hematopoiesis and the production of stem cells, which are the basis of the human immune system. This supplement selectively acts on the cells of the hematopoietic system, restoring their metabolic processes and increasing functional activity.
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Cerluten: for the brain and nervous system
Cerluten is a natural peptide supplement designed to restore and improve the nervous system. It contains a complex of peptide bioregulators that affect the cells of the nervous system - neurons, restoring and improving their work. 
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Chelohart: for the heart muscle
Chelohart is a cytomax, a natural peptide bioregulator containing cardiac muscle peptides. It impacts cardiomyocytes - the muscle cells of the heart that form the middle layer of the heart, the thickness of the walls of the ventricles and atria. Chelohart has a tissue-specific effect: it impacts cell metabolism, growth processes, and the division of heart muscle cells.
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Chitomur: for the genitourinary system in men and women
Chitomur is a supplement on the basis of natural peptides (cytomax) isolated from the bladder wall of young, healthy animals. It is designed to prevent and treat diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women.
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Gotratix: for muscles
Gotratix is a cytomax that contains peptide bioregulators isolated from the triceps muscle of young animals. It selectively acts on myocytes - cells of muscle tissue. This supplement is designed to enhance muscles' reserve capacity and allow them to recover faster after intense sports activities and injuries.
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Libidon: for the prostate gland
Libidon is a cytomax containing peptide bioregulators isolated from the prostate gland of young animals. They have a targeted effect on the prostate parenchyma cells, normalizing their metabolism by triggering protein synthesis. The supplement restores the functions of the prostate gland, regardless of the cause of its disorder, including inflammatory diseases or age-related disorders. Libidon restores men's reproductive health: it solves the problem of decreased libido associated with chronic stress, helps to restore intimate life.
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Pielotax: for the kidneys
Pielotax is a cytomax that contains peptide bioregulators isolated from kidney tissue of healthy calves not older than one year. This supplement is designed for the prevention and complex treatment of urinary system diseases.
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Sigumir: to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system
Sigumir is a cytomax containing peptide bioregulators isolated from bone and cartilage tissue of young animals. The supplement aims to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.
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Suprefort: for the pancreas
Suprefort is a cytomax containing peptide bioregulators of the pancreas. They specifically affect only the pancreatic gland cells without affecting other internal organs. The supplement restores optimal organ functionality, normalizes metabolism and the work of the entire digestive system.
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Svetinorm: for the liver
Svetinorm is a natural peptide supplement that contains liver peptide bioregulators. They act on the liver cells, restoring their functional activity. As a result of the supplement's activity, the liver effectively fights toxic substances that get into the body, preventing body intoxication and normalizing intracellular metabolism. The liver participates in digestive processes, controls carbohydrate metabolism, cleanses the blood, and stores its supplies for the case of massive blood loss.
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Taxorest: for the lungs
Taxorest is a natural supplement (cytomax) that contains lung peptides isolated from the bronchial tissues of young animals. These peptides have a targeted healing effect on the entire bronchopulmonary system. Therefore, Taxorest is recommended as a preventative measure in the presence of adverse factors and as a complex therapy in treating respiratory diseases.
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Testoluten: for the Male Reproductive System
Testoluten is a supplement based on natural peptides (cytomax), isolated from the testes of healthy sexually mature gobies. Testoluten is designed for the male reproductive system improvement. Peptide bioregulators of the testes selectively act on the cells of the seminiferous tubules, activating the synthesis of sperm cells, improving their quality and motility. Also, it normalizes testosterone production.
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Ventfort: for veins, arteries, capillaries & circulatory system
Ventfort is a natural peptide bioregulator also called cytomax. It contains a complex of peptide bioregulators isolated from the aorta of young animals. Ventfort selectively affects vascular tissues and is designed to improve the vascular system from the aorta to tiny capillaries.
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Vesugen: for vessels
Vesugen is a supplement containing cytogens, peptide bioregulators of blood vessels synthesized by plants. It acts to restore and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
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Visoluten: for the eyes
Visoluten is a cytomax prepared using peptide bioregulators isolated from the eye of young animals. It is intended for the prevention and complex treatment of eye diseases.
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Zhenoluten: for the Female Reproductive System
Zhenoluten is a cytomax that contains peptide bioregulators of the ovaries of young animals. This medication is beneficial for women's reproductive health. It contributes to restoring the cyclic activity of the ovaries and egg maturation, normalizes hormonal status, and improves menstrual function. In addition, Zhenoluten normalizes the production of estrogens and progesterone, reducing hormonal disbalance manifestation. 

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