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Association of gene polymorphisms of KLK3 and prostate cancer: A meta-analysis

By AGE2B team
October 1, 2021

Huifeng Li 1, Xiawei Fei 1, Yanting Shen 2, Zhenqi Wu 1

Main idea: Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms may be valuable as biomarkers for prostate cancer in the future.


Previous studies have suggested that prostate-specific antigen (PSA) plays a role in the etiology of prostate cancer (PCa), and that polymorphisms of KLK3 may be associated with PCa. However, these results were conflicting. Therefore, we performed a meta-analysis to illuminate this problem. We searched the PubMed and Web of Science databases. Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were involved in this meta-analysis. The pooled results showed that the minor alleles of rs1058205, rs2735839, rs174776, rs17632542, rs266849, rs266878, and rs2569735 were significantly associated with PCa. Compared to genotypes of the common homozygotes, the heterozygous genotypes of rs1058205, rs2735839, rs174776, rs17632542, rs266849, and rs266878 were significantly associated with PCa, as well as the homozygous genotypes of rs1058205, rs2735839, rs17632542, rs266878, rs266876, and rs2569735. Only rs2735839 was involved in the Gleason score (GS). The pooled results showed that when compared with GS ≥ 8 PCa, the A-allele was the protective factor for GS < 7 PCa. It was also a protective factor for GS ≥ 4+3 when compared to GS ≤ 3+4 PCa. A strong association was observed between PCa and rs1058205, rs2735839, rs266882, rs174776, rs17632542, rs266849, rs266878, rs266876, rs1058274, and rs2569735. The G-allele of rs2735839 was a risk factor for GS < 7 PCa when compared with the GS ≥ 8 PCa, as well as for the GS ≥ 4+3 when compared to the GS ≤ 3+4 PCa.

Source NIH

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