The Global Alliance
for Regenerative Medicine
GARM’s goal is to improve every patient’s quality of life
by providing regenerative treatment options that WORK!
The Global Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, S.A. (GARM), is an established leader in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Numerous highly regarded and reputable physicians, surgeons, and experts from various countries have aligned and created cutting-edge treatment protocols that allow patients to improve their quality of life.
From the synergy of these participants and proprietary regenerative medicine treatment protocols, GARM has been able to help numerous patients suffering from both chronic disease states and acute injuries.
GARM combines conventional medicine practices with the wisdom of the body’s healing capabilities. By using autologous stem cells derived from a patient’s own fat, the GARM physicians are able to customize each person’s treatment plan to maximize the number of stem cells reimplanted, and therefore, maximize patient outcomes.
Our help
to your pets skin
Why is selecting a customized treatment option
offered by GARM Clinic an excellent choice?
When I first went to GARM I could not walk without pain killers. The stem cell treatment has been an absolute miracle. Two years later after treatment in various joints I am back to being able to do the things I love like dancing. I feel like a different person. The staff their are amazing and actually give a darn about your outcome.
Doctor Terry and his staff are the best in every aspect of what I needed for the conditions treated. A very professional experience yet I feel like I made friends for life. They actually care about every individual that comes for help and treatments. I am so happy to have met them and know that such a great team is on my side and helping me to achieve a better quality of life. A huge big THANK YOU to all of them! Doctor Terry is the most amazing, knowledgeable, and caring Doctor that I have ever been a patient of.
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