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ask age2b
How should I prepare my home to live after spine surgery?
Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B

Seek out a family member or a friend who could assist you when you get home. Make arrangements for someone to be available to assist you after surgery and during the first few days of recovery.

Prepare a “grabber” so you can pick up items off the floor without bending over. These are usually a few feet long and allow you to grasp socks, pens, and other items that may fall on the floor.

Prepared meals and healthy snacks will save time and energy.

Remove floor mats, clutter, and other items that could pose a tripping hazard.

Slip-on shoes will keep you from having to bend over to tie laces.

Make sure necessities are within easy reach. The waist level is best.

Make arrangements for child care and pet care.

Put night lights in the bathrooms and hallways.

Stop smoking. Smoking can inhibit the healing process and lead to more issues with your surgery.

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