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What would life be like if you experienced a spinal cord injury?
Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B

Life after sustaining a spinal cord injury (SCI) is different for everyone. No two people sustain the exact same injury, so the severity of the injury and location of damage to the spinal cord will play a role in determining your initial condition. Some SCI survivors can experience a limited loss of sensation or mobility, whereas others with more severe injuries can experience complete paralysis. Some additional changes may include limitations or loss of independence and changes to or loss of sexual and excretory function control.

Each of these changes can change the day-to-day functions of life for you and your family. It can result in the need to reside at a specialized care facility, to move from a two-story to a one-story house, to change jobs or to quit one, to hire a home care worker, and to attend many treatment and therapy appointments.

What plays a critical role in your life after an SCI is keeping a positive attitude. Read or watch videos from some SCI survivors in the online community to hear about their experiences, learn some coping strategies, and find support.

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