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Black Garlic Benefits For Weight Loss

By Editorial Team (Y)
February 19, 2023

What Is Black Garlic?

Black garlic is one of the types of aged garlic. It is obtained from fresh garlic that has been fermented under low heat (60–90 °C or 140-194F) and specific humidity (70–90%) for a certain amount of time. During the process of fermentation, the cloves acquire a black color. Garlic also becomes sweeter, chewier, and softer than regular fresh garlic. In addition, black garlic has a greater concentration of nutrients compared to regular garlic, thus providing more health benefits.

Black garlic can be eaten on its own, combined with vegetables, ground into a powder, chopped into sauces, infused in oil, or taken in the form of a supplement.

Benefits Of Black Garlic For Weight Loss

The consumption of black garlic may potentially aid in weight reduction and enhance the effectiveness of dieting and physical activity. Animal study demonstrated that black garlic extract contributed to weight loss, visceral fat reduction, and decreased fat accumulation. The research also showed that exercising in combination with eating black garlic has a cumulative effect on body fat composition. 

Another animal study demonstrated an anti-obesity effect of raw garlic. However, this study also showed increased fecal production and frequency of defecation, which is potentially the result of the fiber composition of garlic. Due to its higher nutrient content, including fiber, black garlic may potentially have a more pronounced effect on weight loss than raw garlic.

Although the described studies demonstrated an anti-obesity effect of black garlic, clinical studies are required to confirm its impact on the human body. Therefore, you should consult with the doctor before beginning a regimen of black garlic supplements.

Are Black Garlic Supplements Safe To Take?

In general, it is considered to be safe to take black garlic supplements. However, there can be some unpleasant side effects, including bad breath, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and a burning sensation in the mouth or stomach. 

Certain groups of people should be cautious when consuming black garlic or even avoid consuming it altogether. Some examples are:

  • People with chronic bleeding or after surgery should avoid black garlic supplements as they may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Children, pregnant and breast-feeding women should consult with the doctor before taking black garlic and consume it only in small amounts. In addition, they should avoid applying black garlic topically as it may cause irritation.
  • Since black garlic poses a risk of gastrointestinal despair, people with a history of digestive issues should talk with the doctor prior to consuming it.
  • It is very important for people with diabetes to talk with their doctor before starting a regimen of black garlic supplements. Black garlic may drop blood sugar levels.
  • People with chronic low blood pressure should avoid taking black garlic as it may decrease blood pressure significantly.


Black garlic offers numerous potential health benefits. Due to fermentation, black garlic is rich in nutrients, especially antioxidants. The antioxidant composition of black garlic is likely to be the main reason for its beneficial effects on the heart, blood sugar level, brain, liver, immune system, and overall health. However, the anti-obesity effect of black garlic was demonstrated only in animal studies. Therefore, clinical research is required to learn about the impact of black garlic on human body fat composition.

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