Can I still have a fulfilling sex life after spinal cord injury? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Absolutely. Depending on the spinal cord injury, the way you have sex may change, but that doesn’t mean sex is impossible. For men, sexual function can be aided by medication that’s approved to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), and non-invasive methods like vacuum erection devices. For women, you may experience changes in sensation and changes in […]
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Is there any advice on managing my bladder and bowels while having sex with my partner? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Do not let worries about bladder and bowel management prevent you from having a fulfilling sex life. Accidents do not need to be a concern with proper preparation. Because the nerves stimulated during sex may stimulate the nerves that control bladder and bowel function, ensure that you have catheterized and emptied your bowels before intercourse.
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What are the most common signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Common spinal cord injury indicators include: Severe back pain or pressure on the spine, head, neck or back; Lack of strength or coordination; Loss of function or sensation in any part of the body (paralysis); Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet; Loss of bladder or bowel control; Difficulty walking or balancing while standing; […]
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How long does a spinal cord injury take to show signs or symptoms? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
In most cases, the signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury are instantly apparent. Depending on the injury’s severity, some indicators may be unnoticeable until days or weeks following the injury. The period immediately following the spinal cord injury is the most critical in terms of medical treatment. Anyone suspected of having a spinal […]
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Why are spinal cord injuries so serious? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
A spinal cord injury includes damage to any part of the spinal cord or the nerves running down the length of the spinal canal. Spinal cord injuries are serious because the brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS). This complex system coordinates movement and sensation throughout the body, and damage or […]
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If and when a cure for paralysis is found, will people who are newly injured benefit from the cure more than people who are years past injury? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
There are many different groups focusing on several aspects of spinal cord injury research. In general, research focuses on developing therapies that protect the spinal cord cells from the injury process (cellular protection), improving rehabilitation and recovery of function by increasing plasticity (connections), promoting repair and regeneration of damaged spinal cord tissue, understanding the causes […]
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How promising are Schwann cells as a cure? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Schwann cells, the cells of the peripheral nerve that produce myelin, play an important role in the repair of the injured peripheral nerve by providing both physical and trophic support. Indeed, it is thought that Schwann cells are a key to the ability of the peripheral nerve to repair to a much greater extent after […]
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How far is stem cells technology from creating a cure? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
The term “stem cell” is a broad one that includes many types of cells from many tissue origins. Although current advances in stem cell research and technology show that stem cells may have therapeutic potential, many unanswered questions remain and other new questions emerge. For example, each type of stem cell has specific attributes, and […]
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How can transplantation of cells into the injured spinal cord help? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
The central idea behind cell transplantation for spinal cord injury (SCI) is that the cells are thought to promote repair and regeneration by secreting growth-promoting molecules (neurotrophic factors), providing a scaffold for regenerating axons, remyelinating damaged axons, or even replacing damaged or lost cells.
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How can a spinal cord injury (SCI) be prevented? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Many spinal cord injuries result from incidents involving drunk driving, assaults, and alcohol or drug abuse. Spinal cord injuries from industrial hazards, such as equipment failures or inadequate safety precautions, are potentially preventable causes. Shallow or empty swimming pools are known hazards too.
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The content provided on AGE2B website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered, nor should it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.