Decreased Muscle Strength
Muscle weakness, also known as myasthenia is simply defined as a lack of muscle strength in one of your body’s muscles. Muscle weakness is a very broad term that can include a wide range of meanings, conditions, and causes. As far as muscle weakness goes, they can be classified into two types, namely: True Muscle […]
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Sexual Dysfunction due to Spine Problems
Sexual dysfunction, also known by names such as sexual malfunction, sexual disorder or erectile dysfunction in a male is a difficulty people face when they undergo sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction. This problem can prevent the people engaging in the so-called sexual activity to experience any sort of satisfaction or arousal. The sexual response cycle, as […]
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Spinal Deformity
There are several different conditions that can cause a deformity of the spine. A spinal deformity is actually a symptom in which the normal curves of the spinal column become exaggerated, or the vertebral column may develop a lateral curve. Scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity in which the spinal column develops a lateral curve, […]
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Back Pain
Back pain, simply put, is any pain you might feel in your back, whether it is in the lower or upper part. There are many types of back pain, as well as causes. And a pain in any specific part of your back may be a symptom of another underlying cause. In this article, the […]
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Decreased Mobility of the Spine
Degenerative Disc Disease & Scoliosis Each section of the spine has its own degree of mobility. The sections with the greatest mobility are the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) areas. The thoracic spine area (from the bottom of the neck to the base of the rib cage) is relatively mobile. The sacrum (the area just above the tailbone) and […]
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Bowel and Bladder Incontinence
Bowel and Bladder Incontinence refers to problems regarding the excretory system’s disposal of our urine and fecal matter. Bowel and bladder incontinence refers to the inability to control the voluntary passage of urine and fecal matter and is also the inability to hold it in, warranting the unwanted passage of these two bodily waste products. […]
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