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February 23, 2022
Treatment. Stress incontinence
By Editorial Team (Y)
Diagnostics of stress incontinence Your appointment with a doctor will include familiarizing the doctor with your medical history, physical exam, urine testing, quick neurological exam and urinary stress test. By assessing all of the results, your doctor will be able to identify the root of the problem. Test of bladder function The common types of […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Undescended testicle
By Editorial Team (A)
As a male fetus develops, testicles migrate from the abdomen to the skin bag under the penis. The last is called the scrotum. If the testicle doesn’t move as intended, the person develops an undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) condition. In most cases, this abnormality affects only one testis. Nevertheless, in around one in ten persons with […]
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February 23, 2022
Treatment. Testicular cancer
By Editorial Team (A)
Testicular cancer affects male reproductive organs called testicles. The normal function of these structures is essential for reproduction because they produce male sex hormones and sperm. Therefore, it is crucial to diagnose and treat testicular cancer as early as possible to prevent complications and side effects. Testicular cancer diagnosis Sometimes it happens that men discover […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Stress incontinence
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is stress urinary incontinence? Stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine due to pressure on your bladder. Certain activities and movements such as lifting heavy objects, running, sneezing or coughing elevate the stress (or pressure) on your bladder. As a result of increased pressure, you leak urine. Women are at higher risk of […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Testicular cancer
By Editorial Team (A)
Testicular cancer is a type of growth that affects testicles, which are also called testes. The last are male reproductive organs located in the scrotum, a loose skin bag under the penis. The primary role of testicles is the production of sperm and male sex hormones. Therefore, the proper functionality of testes is essential for […]
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February 23, 2022
Treatment. Small bowel prolapse (enterocele)
By Editorial Team (Y)
Diagnostics of small bowel prolapse Your doctor will conduct a pelvic exam during the appointment to determine whether you have a small bowel prolapse. In order to perform the pelvic exam, the doctor will ask you to take a deep breath and then hold it while bearing down. In this way, you will imitate like […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Bladder Stones
By Editorial Team (A)
Urinary bladder stones are crystallized clusters of minerals in the bladder. They form when the urine becomes too concentrated, which is often associated with an inability to empty the bladder completely. Bladder stones causes The primary reason for urinary bladder stones formation is incomplete emptying of the bladder. In men, an enlarged prostate gland can […]
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February 23, 2022
Treatment. Soft tissue sarcoma
By Editorial Team (A)
Soft tissue sarcoma is a type of cancer. It affects structures like blood vessels, nerves, the lining of joints, muscles, fat and tendons. Today, there are more than 50 types of this form of cancer known. Therefore, it is essential to identify which type the patient has to determine the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma. […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Soft tissue sarcoma
By Editorial Team (A)
A soft tissue sarcoma is a form of cancer that develops in tissues whose primary function is to support, connect, and surround other body parts. Cancer of this type is rare. Affected structures may include muscles, blood vessels, the lining of joints, fat, tendons and nerves. Soft tissue sarcoma can develop anywhere in the body. […]
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February 23, 2022
Treatment. Urinary Incontinence
By Editorial Team (A)
An inability to control the bladder is called urinary incontinence. This condition has a significant adverse impact on the normal life of a person. Consequently, it is better to diagnose and treat urinary incontinence as soon as possible to eliminate any discomfort the patient may experience. Urinary incontinence diagnosis There are several types of urinary […]
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