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Correlation between chronic venous ulcer exudate proteins and clinical profile: A cross-sectional study

By AGE2B team
May 26, 2021

Main idea: there were eight correlations between clinical and epidemiological data and protein expression: diabetes mellitus vs. Ig gamma-2 and apolipoprotein-A1 and albumin; congestive heart failure vs. Ig lambda-2; colonization vs. actin; compressive therapy vs. Ig kappa; systemic arterial hypertension vs. alpha-2-macroglobulin and apolipoprotein-A1; area of ulcer vs. apolipoprotein-A1; race vs. heavy chain Ig and Ig γ-1 chain; age and race vs. Ig γ-1 chain. These associations may help to elucidate the prognosis and chronicity of chronic venous ulcers based on secreted proteins.


Chronic venous ulcers affect the quality of life of patients around the world. The aims of this study were to identify the proteins expressed in chronic venous ulcer exudates, to categorize them according to their roles and to correlate them with the clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease. The study population consisted of 37 ulcers from 28 patients, and the inflammatory exudates of these thirty-seven ulcers were subjected to tryptic digestion and mass spectrometry analysis. Twenty-three patients were female (62.2%), and five (37.8%) were male. The patients had a mean age of 70 (±10.1) years. Of the patients, 73% adhered to compression and rest, 81.1% reported a history of primary varices, 54.1% reported a history of systemic arterial hypertension, 54.1% reported a history of devitalized tissue in the wound bed and 64.9% reported ulcers with more than ten years of evolution. Seventy-six proteins were identified, and they were grouped according to their primary role in the healing process.

Source ScienceDirect

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