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COVID-19 pandemic era: is it time to promote home dialysis and peritoneal dialysis?

By AGE2B team
October 15, 2021


The novel coronavirus, called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was declared a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health Organization. Older individuals and patients with comorbid conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, chronic kidney disease and immunologic diseases are at higher risk of contracting this severe infection. In particular, patients with advanced chronic kidney disease constitute a vulnerable population and a challenge in the prevention and control of the disease. Home-based renal replacement therapies offer an opportunity to manage patients remotely, thus reducing the likelihood of infection due to direct human interaction. Patients are seen less frequently, limiting the close interaction between patients and healthcare workers who may contract and spread the disease. However, while home dialysis is a reasonable choice at this time due to the advantage of isolation of patients, measures must be assured to implement the program.

Conclusion: Despite its logistical benefits, outpatient haemodialysis also presents certain challenges during times of crises such as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and potentially future ones.

Source CKJ

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