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Low Back Pain FAQ

By AGE2B team
June 24, 2021

Who is affected by Lower back pain?

Most people deal with some form of low back pain over their lifetime. However, it is most common in people who are between the ages of 40 and 80, so these people are the ones who can benefit most from knowing more about the condition and following some low back pain prevention methods. Low back pain is the most common cause of work-related disability, and it leads to all other reasons for days missed from work.

Do not spend all your time off from work in bed or lying down to prevent low back pain. Your muscles get weak very quickly, so even a few days of inactivity can result in weakness. Unless your doctor has ordered bed rest, try to be up at least part of the day for short periods of time.

Lower back pain causes 

Low back pain usually occurs for more than one reason. Your spine and the muscles associated with it form your body’s “core.” This gives you the flexibility and the strength to complete your daily hobbies, work, and other activities.

Any sort of imbalance that is related to the spinal column or its surrounding tissues (tendons, ligaments, discs, or tendons) can cause lower back pain.

Factors that may exacerbate or initially cause lower back pain include increased stress levels, repetitive motions, dietary factors, a sedentary lifestyle, lifting, genetic factors, poor posture, age, and high-impact activities.

The most frequent physiological lower back pain causes include:

  • Compression of the nerves
  • Fractures
  • Irritation of the facet joints
  • Narrowing of the spinal canal
  • Disc injuries

Low back pain is frequently accompanied by muscle tension and spasms, difficulty completing daily tasks, and increased pain with prolonged sitting or standing in one position. Low back pain home remedies can help you cope with these associated symptoms, but it is important to be seen by your physician if they persist.

How can lower back pain affect me?

Acute low back pain usually resolves on its own by following some simple low back pain tips. However, if the pain and other symptoms do not resolve within 2 to 4 weeks, it is important to see your physician. A doctor can help diagnose the cause of lower back pain and recommend appropriate treatment for your low back pain.

The effects of low back pain can be psychological and physical, especially if the pain becomes chronic. Sleep often becomes disrupted, and people with pain often begin neglecting their hobbies, social activities, and exercise routines due to a fear of pain. For these reasons, depression is common in people with chronic low back pain. However, there are several ways to cope with the emotional problems of chronic pain. One of the methods to ward off depression if you experience low back pain is to avoid isolating yourself. Another way to fight depression is spending some time outside every day. Low back pain tips from others who have suffered from the problem can also help you.

Lower back pain prevention

One of the best lower back pain prevention methods is to pursue a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Our choices significantly impact how well we can cope with injury and pain. One research study indicated that low back pain was more common in people who rated their lifestyle and health status as only “poor to fair.”

Factors that increase the risk for low back pain include repetitive bending and lifting with daily work, a history of cigarette smoking, age, unhealthy dietary and exercise choices. Considering this information, lower back pain prevention methods include the following:

  • Avoid repetitive bending and lifting
  • Stop smoking and limit your exposure to second-hand smoke
  • Make healthy dietary choices and maintain a healthy weight
  • Make exercise a part of your usual routine

Engaging in regular exercise is one of the best lower back pain prevention methods. Regular activity is an important part of life; it keeps the body balanced and physically fit. It helps regulate the metabolism and can help ward off depression by stimulating the release of endorphins.

Another lower back pain prevention method is maintaining a strong core. When your abdominal muscles are not strong, even a simple movement can result in a back injury. In addition, the spine needs a strong core to prevent stress on the vertebrae. A physical therapist can help you work out an exercise program to build your core strength without injuring your back. Asking your physician for a referral to a physical therapist may be beneficial.

Lower back pain treatment

If you have low back pain that is persistent, the first thing you need to do is to see your doctor. A doctor can help you find the cause of your pain and provide lower back pain treatment options that may include medications, physical therapy, injections, or a referral to a specialist. Most often, lower back pain treatments that are the least invasive will be tried first.

Surgery for low back pain is usually only recommended in severe cases. Most research has shown that it helps stay active following an injury, so it is beneficial to avoid bed rest. Remaining as active as possible keeps your blood flowing and available to the area that needs to heal, and it helps keep your muscles from growing weak. Try to find activities that do not cause increased pain, but do not force yourself to exercise when you are having an episode of intense pain.

What kind of outcome can I expect?

The outcome of low back pain depends on many different factors, including the cause of the pain, the motivation of the patient, the overall health of the patient, and prior flexibility and strength. However, with the help of professionals like doctors and physical therapists and by following a few low back pain tips, most pain can resolve more quickly, and patients can resume their normal life.

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