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Pinched nerve

By Editorial Team (2)
February 27, 2021

When too much pressure is placed on a nerve by the tissues that surround it, pinched nerves can occur. Tissues that surround nerves include muscles, tendons, bones, and cartilage. When pinched nerves occur, their function is disrupted. This causes numbness, tingling, weakness or pain.

Pinched nerves can happen numerous places in your body. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for example, is the result of pressure on a nerve in your wrist, leading to numbness and pain in your fingers and hand. If a herniated disc in the lower part of your spine compresses a nerve root, pain that radiates down your leg may result.

Most symptoms of pinched nerves resolve with rest and other non-surgical treatments within several days or a few weeks. Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove pressure from the nerve and to relieve pain.

A standout amongst the most widely recognized cases of a solitary compressed nerve is the sentiment having a foot or hand “fall asleep.” Pinched nerves can once in a while prompt different conditions, for example, Peripheral Neuropathy, tennis elbow, and Carpal Passage Syndrome. The degree of such wounds may differ from minor, impermanent harm to a more changeless condition. An Early determination is imperative to anticipate additionally harm or confusions. A pinched nerve is a typical reason for at work injury.


Pinched nerves are the result of too much pressure being placed on the nerves by tissues that surround them.

Sometimes cartilage or bone compress the nerves. This is what happens in the case of a herniated disc in the spine. Muscles or tendons can also cause pinched nerves.

Many different types of tissues can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is the compression of the median nerve in the wrist. Swelling of the tendons, enlarged bones or thickened ligaments may all contribute to this pinched nerve.

Several conditions can cause tissues to pinch a nerve or several pinched nerves. Some of these include:

  • Repetitive motions that cause stress, often related to work
  • Injuries
  • Sporting activities or hobbies can lead to pinched nerves
  • Obesity sometimes leads to pinched nerves
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis or Arthritis of the wrist can cause pinched nerves
  • Poor posture can cause pinched nerves

The pressure of the tissue on a nerve causes inflammation and interrupts the functioning of the nerve. If the compression only lasts a short time, usually there is no lasting damage. Nerve function resumes as usual when the pressure is removed. If the pressure is not relieved, however, permanent damage to the nerve and chronic pain can result.

Risk factors

Anything which expands weight and pressure around a nerve can cause a pinched nerve. Basic causes incorporate body position, for example, inclining toward elbows, routinely crossing legs or a poor stance. After some time this may prompt weight injury to nerves in these areas.

On the off chance that the nerve is compressed for a short measure of time, it is regularly ready to repair itself however it might take half a month or months for the side effects to completely resolve. In any case, if the pressure stays there for quite a while, permanent nerve injury may happen.

Factors that increase your risk of developing pinched nerves include:

  • Posture: Improper sitting and standing puts pressure on your nerves and spine, leading to pinched nerves
  • Sex: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs more frequently in women. This may be because women have smaller carpal tunnels.
  • Bone spurs: Bone spurs can be caused by conditions that cause a bone to thicken, such as Osteoarthritis or by trauma. Bone spurs can lead to stiffness of the spine, and they can also narrow the space where the nerves travel, leading to pinched nerves.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: This condition causes inflammation, especially in the joints, that can lead to pinched nerves.
  • Thyroid disease: Thyroid disease places you at higher risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and pinched nerves.

Other factors that increase your risk include:

  • Diabetes: Diabetics have an increased risk of nerve compression.
  • Overuse: Repetitive motions of the shoulder, wrist or hand increase your risk of pinched nerves. These are often related to a job or a hobby, such as working on an assembly line.
  • Obesity: Being overweight adds extra pressure to the nerves.
  • Pregnancy: Weight gain and fluid retention associated with the late stages of pregnancy can cause nerve pathways to swell and result in pinched nerves.
  • Heredity: It appears that some people are genetically more likely to have conditions that lead to pinched nerves.


A pinched nerve can cause different kinds of complications. These include symptoms, disorders, and secondary conditions. Most of the time, complications of a pinched nerve can be unclear due to the complications being symptoms of a pinched nerve as well.

Complications of a pinched nerve include:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Nerve damage
  • Numbness
  • Decreased mobility

Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve

The most widely recognized indication of a pinched nerve is a tingling sensation, which can be joined by some weakness. This may at first travel in multiple directions, yet after some time ends up in a steady area or region of the body. Pain may go with the tingling sensation and is frequently portrayed as being “sharp” or “electrical.” Some patients encounter a copying sensation in the influenced region.

In serious cases, muscle weakness may happen in light of the fact that the nerve that controls the muscle has been disturbed. On the off chance that present and not recognized and amended, those muscles may diminish in size and capacity.

On the off chance that you’ve harmed your neck or shoulder, you’ll have to give points of interest of the injury. Since nerves in the spine influence numerous parts of your health, you need to tell your specialist if you’ve seen or noticed any changes in your bladder or bowel function.

Shoulder pain can create from an assortment of sources, for example, tendinitis, joint inflammation, torn ligament, and numerous other therapeutic conditions and wounds. One other basic reason for this pain is a pinched nerve in the upper spine, otherwise called Cervical Radiculopathy.

A nerve can wind up plainly pinched when bone spurs conform to the spinal discs. These discs are the “safeguards” between the vertebrae in your spine. Bone spurs are new arrangements of bone that develop when discs begin to debilitate with age. As you get older, the vertebrae end up noticeably compressed and the plates end up noticeably more slender. Bone spurs develop around the discs to fortify them, however, that new bone development can put weight on the nerve root in the spine.

In the event that a pinched nerve is causing your shoulder pain, you’ll require an intensive physical exam of your neck and shoulder to analyze the issue. Neck pain and headaches in the back of your head are additional signs that the reason for this uneasiness is a pinched nerve.

A pinched nerve may likewise abandon you with a sentiment “pins and needles” in your shoulder. The joint may likewise feel numb or frail when you endeavour to lift something. At times, side effects reach out starting from the shoulder the arm to the hand.

Signs and symptoms of pinched nerves include the following:

  • Burning or sharp pain, or an aching pain that sometimes radiates outward can be a sign of pinched nerves
  • Decreased or loss of sensation (numbness) in the area the nerve supplies
  • Frequently feeling tingling and “pins and needles” sensations is a sign of pinched nerves
  • Often feeling like your hand or foot is “asleep”
  • Weakness in the muscles in the area supplied by the nerve can be a late sign of pinched nerves

The symptoms of pinched nerves sometimes are worse when you sleep or at rest.

When to see a doctor

If your symptoms of pinched nerves have lasted for several days despite treatments like over-the-counter pain medications and rest, call your doctor.

Diagnostic Procedures

Your medical healthcare provider regularly makes the analysis of pinched nerve by taking a look at your medical history as well as your indications and doing a cautious physical examination. Contingent upon the discoveries, the finding might be made clinically or further testing might be required.

Your specialist will presumably test your reflexes, sensation, and quality. You might be made a request to do certain extends or developments to exhibit what causes your indications, and in addition what diminishes them.

It’s likewise important that you give insights about your shoulder pain. You need to clearly state to your specialist when the pain initially began and what makes your shoulder hurt. You ought to likewise clarify or demonstrate what makes the pain die down. Your specialist might need to know whether you’ve begun practising increasingly or expanded other physical exercises.

When you seek medical care, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms of pinched nerves and perform a physical examination. If pinched nerves are suspected, your physician may recommend some tests. These may include:

  • Nerve conduction study: For this test, electrodes will be placed on your skin and small currents will be sent through them to your nerves. This test will tell your doctor if you have damaged or pinched nerves.
  • Electromyography (EMG): This test will tell your doctor if the nerves leading to the muscles have been damaged. It measures the electrical activity of the muscles both when they are at rest and when they are contracting.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): If your doctor believes you may have compression of a nerve root, he may order an MRI. It produces detailed images of your bones and soft tissues using radio waves and a strong magnetic field.

Treatment and Care

The pinched nerve treatment relies on the area and the reason. Resting the influenced area can be very effective, particularly in instances of injury caused by dull exercises. Active recuperation is often times beneficial when a pinched nerve is caused by issues in the neck or low back. Activities may reinforce the back or center muscles and diminish or take out weight on a nerve root. Over-the-counter calming meds like ibuprofen and naproxen might be useful. Infusions of corticosteroids which are anti-inflammatory drugs may likewise be used for some sorts of pinched nerves.

Pinched nerve treatment

If the cause of your shoulder pain is a pinched nerve, your specialist may prescribe exercise based recuperation to enhance quality and adaptability in your neck and shoulder. In any case, you may likewise be educated to confine the development with respect to your neck. That might be finished with a soft collar or brace worn around the neck for brief time frames.

Different medications may incorporate calming pain relievers or infusions of steroids in the zone of the influenced nerve. Steroid infusions can diminish pain and swelling and often used as a pinched nerve treatment. On the off chance that the issue is sufficiently extreme, surgery might be an alternative to expel the bone spur pressing the nerve.

Since a pinched nerve is an issue that can be analyzed and treated, you shouldn’t falter to have that pain in your shoulder assessed. On the off chance that the pain is being caused by an alternate condition, you’re in an ideal situation realizing what it is so you can stay away from additionally harm and inconvenience.

The pinched nerve treatment most often recommended is rest. Your physician will likely tell you that it is important to stop any activities that are painful or that make the pinched nerves worse.

Depending on where the pinched nerves are located, your doctor may prescribe a brace or a splint for the pinched nerve treatment. This is to prevent the affected area from moving. If you’ve been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, you may need to wear a splint or brace at night, as well as during the day. This is because wrists frequently move while we are asleep.

Physical pinched nerve therapy

Physical therapy may be recommended by your doctor to instruct you in exercises that can help stretch and strengthen the muscles in the area that has been affected by the pinched nerves. This can help to relieve the pressure on the pinched nerves. Physical therapists can also teach alternative ways to perform routine tasks that can help minimize stress on the nerves.


The goals of taking medications for pinched nerves are to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help meet both of these goals. Examples of NSAIDs include naproxen (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and others).

Corticosteroids are sometimes used, either by injection or taken by mouth to help reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with pinched nerves.

  • NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal mitigating drugs (NSAIDs, for example, headache medicine, ibuprofen, or naproxen may diminish swelling.
  • Oral corticosteroids. These are utilized to diminish swelling and pain.
  • Opiates. These are utilized for brief periods to diminish extreme pain.
  • Steroid infusions. These infusions may lessen swelling and enable excited nerves to recuperate.


Surgery may be recommended if your symptoms are not resolving after a few weeks to few months of non-surgical pinched nerve treatment. The type of surgery recommended will depend on where the pinched nerves are located. It may involve removing a part of a herniated disc or bone spurs in the spine. Surgery may involve cutting the carpal ligament of the wrist to make more room for the pinched nerve to travel.


To what extent it takes for side effects to end can shift from individual to individual. Pinched nerve treatment shifts, contingent upon the seriousness and reason for the nerve pressure.

You may find that you advantage enormously from just resting the injured area and by maintaining a strategic distance from any exercises that have a tendency to intensify your indications. Much of the time, that is all you have to do for pinched nerve treatment.

In the event, that side effects continue or pain is serious, see your specialist. You may require at least one writes of pinched nerve treatment to contract swollen tissue around the nerve.

Preventing pinched nerves is much easier, and less painful than treating the condition. Here’s a list of steps you can take that will help prevent pinched nerves:

  • Practice good posture
  • Try limiting repetitive motions. If this type of activity is required for your job, try to take frequent breaks, even if just for a few minutes
  • Add exercises to build strength and increase your flexibility into your usual exercise routine. If you’re not exercising, start now with this type of exercises and gradually work up to prevent pinched nerves
  • If you’re overweight, do everything you can to lose the extra pounds, then maintain a weight that is appropriate to your height

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The content provided on AGE2B website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered, nor should it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.