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Stretches To Get Rid Of Sciatica
February 9, 2022
Sciatica is a term that’s used to describe pain in the lower extremities of the body such as the lower back and the legs. In short, sciatica is a term for leg pain. Sciatica is not only described as pain in the lower extremities, but sometimes, it’s sensation can be a weakness, tingling, and even […]
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Spine Treatment
January 31, 2022
If you have been struggling with back or neck pain for an extended period of time, chances are you may have a spine problem or an underlying spinal condition that is causing the pain. Spinal problems may arise in any person, usually as a result of old age, severe stress on the spine and injury, […]
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Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)
April 5, 2022
Have you ever experienced pain, numbness, or muscle weakness in any part of your body? Not everyone knows that these signs and symptoms could be due to a nerve injury. In these cases, patients are being referred to a nerve specialist (neurologist) for assessment. The study of nerve injuries is not as easy as compared […]
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
March 3, 2022
MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a common medical procedure used by hospitals and medical personnel all over the world. Furthermore, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI is a test that utilizes magnetic fields as well as pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of different structures inside our body such as bones, […]
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March 3, 2022
A myelography, sometimes called a myelogram, is a diagnostic test that typically uses contrast dye and x-rays to take images of your vertebrae and the spaces between the vertebrae that are filled with fluid, called the subarachnoid space. This procedure is very useful in helping to identify spinal tumors, some spinal disorders such as narrowing of […]
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March 1, 2022
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Cervical Spine Where is the Cervical Spine? If you ever wondered where is the cervical spine, this article will help with learning more about the cervical spine, its location, and complications, pain, and treatment. The neck area of the spine is known as the cervical spine and is a very intricate but important structure […]
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Bone Spurs (Osteophytes) FAQ
January 31, 2022
Bone spurs are bony projections or outgrowth of bone that develop along the edges of bones. It is also called an osteophyte. Bone spurs can form in any bone but are most commonly found in joints, where two or more bones come together. They also occur where muscles, ligaments, or tendons attach to the bone. […]
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Spondylolistesis FAQ
January 31, 2022
1. Which doctors treat spondylolisthesis? Spondylolisthesis is usually treated by an orthopedist. Orthopedics is the medical specialty that deals primarily with the correction or prevention of disorders of a skeleton. These can be problems associated with the bones, joints, muscles or ligaments. 2. What causes spondylolisthesis? The vertebrae of the spine are connected by small joints […]
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Peripheral Neuropathy FAQ
January 31, 2022
1. What treatments can cause Peripheral Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy is often caused by medications used to treat cancer, but it can also be caused by radiation therapy, surgery for cancer, the tumor pressing on nerves, infections or chemicals that tumors release. The following medications that are used in treating cancer can cause peripheral neuropathy: Platinum […]
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Bone Scan
March 3, 2022
What is a Bone Scan? A “bone scan” is the name for two different kinds of medical tests that are very different. One type of bone scan is used to test for and diagnose osteoporosis, which is a condition in which the bones are brittle, very fragile and break easily. This test uses either ultrasound […]
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