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Treatment. Paresthesia

By Editorial Team (Y)
December 27, 2021

Paresthesia treatment 

Depending on the diagnostic results, the physician may refer you to a specialist, such as a neurologist, orthopedist, or endocrinologist. The appropriate treatment for paresthesia depends on an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of the condition.

In many cases, paresthesia goes away on its own. However, some cases of paresthesia require treatment. As a paresthesia treatment, the doctor may prescribe you medication, physical therapy, rest and bracing, and in severe cases of the paresthesia, surgery may be needed.

Rest and bracing

In the case of a pinched nerve, doctors typically recommend rest. It is essential to cess the activities causing the compression of the nerve to allow the tissue to heal.

To give the affected area the rest, the doctor may recommend you a splint or brace that will stop the movement of this area. The brace is typically a good choice to immobilize the affected area to treat paresthesia.

Although the brace is beneficial in the case of paresthesia, using it for an extended period of time may lead to other issues. Thus, it is beneficial to consult your doctor before putting a brace on.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is a good choice for people experiencing paresthesia symptoms. It may help build muscle strength surrounding the affected nerve. In addition, strong muscles may help alleviate tissue compression and prevent recurrent of the condition. Physical therapy may also improve your flexibility, mobility of the affected area, and range of motion.

Medications as paresthesia treatment

To relieve the pain and reduce inflammation caused by paresthesia, your doctor may prescribe you such medications as naproxen sodium (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Mortin, Advil). If the patient experience severe pain, steroid injections may be prescribed to relieve symptoms of paresthesia.

In the case of long-term paresthesia caused by fibromyalgia, your doctor may prescribe medications that include pregabalin (Lyrica) or duloxetine (Cymbalta) as paresthesia treatment.

Paresthesia surgery

If the conservative treatment does not help alleviate the symptoms of the condition, paresthesia surgery may be required to decrease the pressure on a pinched nerve.

Surgery may involve the carpal ligament releasing, removing a bone spur, or removing the part of a herniated disk in the back.

The type of surgery that doctor will prescribe you depends on your specific symptoms and the cause of the paresthesia.

Prevention of paresthesia

Not every case of paresthesia can be preventable. However, you can do certain things to minimize your risk of paresthesia.

  • Maintaining a good posture as well as body positioning is essential to prevent unnecessary pressure on the nerves.
  • Avoiding injures due to heavy and inappropriate lifting is also important. 
  • Limiting repetitive movements is also important in the prevention of paresthesia. If you cannot avoid it, you may take frequent breaks while performing those activities.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercises may help you reduce your risk of paresthesia development.

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