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Anti-pain gymnastics. What to do and who is guilty?

By Editorial Team (2)
January 30, 2022

Do you feel guilty when you’re lazy and don’t spend even ten minutes a day exercising? Is ten minutes too much time to invest in your own health? Unfortunately, many of us have to admit that, despite our desire to be healthy, we come up on the short end of the exercise stick.

It’s easy to find an excuse for not exercising. Daily work is stressful, not to mention the stress of being a commuter. If our jobs don’t cause stress out at the office, the trip home at the end of the day will! The sofa calls our name every night! Our mind tells us we need to get some type of activity to stretch and relax our muscles but somehow, but our body wins and we become lazy. The vast majority of occupations, (office workers, teachers, machine press operators) cause constant to the spine. This spinal load is especially extreme when we’re standing up. So by the end of the working day, our back has become our “weakest link.”

Even a healthy spine gets tired, and one that is already compromised by disease or a disorder is especially vulnerable. Every one of my patients complains that they can hardly tolerate sitting. They need to give their backs a break! However, very few people are able to find even a few minutes in their workday to lie down and rest. (And how many supervisors would approve of a 10-minute horizontal siesta, even if we did have time?)

As a result, here’s what happens: The spine gets very limited rest overnight, so we wake up in the morning with “rusty joints”. Fatigue accumulates during the day at work, and watching TV while lying on the couch in the evening provides no relief.  It’s not hard to see how this pattern quickly develops into a vicious circle: Untrained muscles and ligaments can’t stand the vertical load of sitting or standing, and giving into the desire to lie down and rest makes them even weaker. Feeling guilty for being “lazy” adds an additional layer of burden in the form emotional stress. 

Is it possible to find a way out of this cycle? Of course, you could push yourself to go to a fitness center or to the track to run or jog. But in many cases, fatigue has already created enough back and joint pain to prevent either of these options.   

Whenever you are standing, sitting or walking, all the muscles in your body are working, especially your spine which maintains balance. Therefore, the actual position of being upright, or vertical, serves as a load. That is why it is wise to both allow the muscles and ligaments of your spine to rest and at the same time, also train them. ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS does this.  

During these sessions, exercises are performed not only in simple horizontal positions, but in special, simplehorizontal positions, in which the vertebrae maintain their correct physiological alignment. In these positions you consistently make different muscles and joints work. Therefore, the body is resting, despite training and load and your skeleton and nervous system are relaxing too.  Ahhhh. . .  Relief!

ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS creates a wonderful feeling during training and since you combine training and rest, your desire to train increases even more. Pain syndromes decrease and you continue to exercise with confidence and joy!


  • The horizontal position provides the best rest for the spinal column.
  • ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS combines training of muscles and ligaments with rest and relaxation.
  • ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS relieves pain syndromes, reduces pain, and increases the desire to continue training.

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