Posture: a look back in time
According to legend, the mythical beast, Chimera, was sent to the ancient city of Thebes. This beast had the body of a dog, the wings of a bird, and the head of a woman. It was chasing young men, but before eating them it asked: “What walks on four legs in the morning, on two […]
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Posture. Easy-complex posture
It doesn’t matter what kind body you were born with, strong or delicate, thick or thin, petite or tall, correcting your posture can change your life. You have no control over the body you inherited, your age or your sex, but they don’t matter! Independent of these factors, correcting your posture will help improve your head […]
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December 17, 2021
Activity and Diet Shown to Slow Aging (Again)
By AGE2B team
GrimAge and a different epigenetic approach were used as biomarkers. Scientists have used DNA methylation markers to measure the anti-aging effects of healthy diet and physical activity, reaching interesting, if at times contradictory, results [1]. Move, eat healthy, check your biological age Physical activity (PA) and healthy diet are two powerful interventions that have time and […]
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December 17, 2021
Exercise Found to Have Anti-Senescence Effect
By AGE2B team
Many of the beneficial long-term effects of exercise may be due to its senolytic effects. A new review paper delivers evidence that exercise, a powerful anti-aging tool, may be a natural senolytic [1]. Progress in the field of senolytics has been mixed. After the initial hype that had spawned dozens of startups, enthusiasm has waned somewhat […]
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December 17, 2021
Reviewing Cold Therapy for Longevity
By AGE2B team
The health benefits of the cold therapy have long been touted by mankind, including Hippocrates claiming it cured lethargy and Thomas Jefferson bathing his feet in cold water every morning for decades to maintain good health [1]. This view is still prevalent in modern times, including cold morning showers, swimming in the open water, ice […]
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December 8, 2021
Stance. Pain in the Spine and Lower Back: Who’s Next?
By AGE2B team
Annotation Pain in the lower back and lumbar spine is the second most frequent reason people consult their doctor. The only complaint that sends patients to their physician more often is a cold or the flu. The reason low back pain is so common is fairly obvious: The lumbar spine is the part of the […]
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December 8, 2021
Stance #2: Time to Work! Choosing Gymnastics for your Spine
By AGE2B team
If you ask a person who is new to the exercising what the best method is to keep your spine healthy and supportive, you will probably get the following answer: “You have to ‘pump up’ your back and abdominal muscles.” These people are often overweight, have bellies that flop over their belt, and have not […]
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December 8, 2021
Stance #3: Healthy Spine Curvature
By AGE2B team
Being able to understand and appreciate the meaning of beauty is not only the privilege of artists. What makes sculpture, a piece, of music a piece of old furniture or a sunset beautiful is, in many cases, a matter of opinion. The beauty of the human body though in most cases is, at its core, […]
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December 8, 2021
Stance #4: What Muscles Keep your Spine Healthy and in the Correct Position?
By AGE2B team
Your spine is like a tower without a foundation. If a structure like this actually existed, it would fall down in pieces, especially if it was constantly moving or being bumped around. The reason this doesn’t happen to your spine is because a complicated system of “ropes” is at work keeping it in a stable […]
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December 8, 2021
Stance #5: Isometric Position-Static Exercises
By Editorial Team (2)
In descriptions of the exercises, the following abbreviations are used: SP – starting position ADVICE: Isometric position-static exercises for the spine are divided according to their degree of complexity and also according to which part of the spine they are targeting. Always start with the basic course of exercises. These are the main exercises and […]
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