How can my diet help to manage pain? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Good nutrition is an important part of your overall health. A healthy diet should include a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This gives your body the nutrients and energy it needs to function properly. A well-balanced diet is also vital for building your body’s […]
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What is occupational therapy? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Pain can keep you from taking part in your normal activities, including going to work or having fun with family or friends. Occupational therapy helps provide skills and strategies to help manage pain, so it interferes less with daily life — allowing you to engage in your life even if full pain relief isn’t possible. […]
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What is physical therapy? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Physical therapy focuses on reducing pain through a regular exercise program that incorporates flexibility, aerobic, and strengthening exercises. Physical therapy is primarily based on proper body mechanics — using muscles and joints correctly to limit pain. Even when you have pain, movement is important. In fact, movement helps speed recovery and might even help prevent […]
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What is pain rehabilitation? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Pain rehabilitation programs offer non-drug options for managing chronic pain. These may include physical, occupational, and psychological therapy. Pain rehabilitation programs explore various ways to help control pain and identify factors that contribute to pain. These programs are generally intended for individuals who have experienced a significant decline in daily functioning and quality of life […]
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When to see a health care professional? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
You’ve tried pain relievers and massage. You’ve heated and iced. And yet your pain persists. Don’t get discouraged. Instead, see your health care professional to discuss other options for pain relief. You should also see your health care professional if: • Your pain changes. For instance, the ache that started as a 4 on the […]
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What lifestyle changes can help manage the pain? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
An important part of treating pain is managing your overall health. Take care of yourself by getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and practicing relaxation. It all can help you take care of pain. Other non-pharmaceutical pain-relieving practices that can be included in your life include: • Massage. Massage […]
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How can applying heat and cold reduce pain? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Cold can numb the pain by causing blood vessels to constrict, which helps reduce swelling. That’s why, when you experience an injury — whether it’s a bee sting or a sprained ankle — icing is usually a good first choice. You can use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables, or you can […]
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What are over-the-counter medications? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
When you go to your local grocery store, you’ll always find a large selection of pain relievers. These medications — also called analgesics — help control pain by interfering with the way pain messages are developed, transmitted, or interpreted. Over-the-counter pain medications can be effective at relieving many types of mild to moderate pain. Some […]
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What are self-care approaches to treating pain? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
When you have pain, there’s nothing you want more than relief right away. For many people, that means reaching for the bottle of pain relievers in the medicine cabinet. Before treating pain yourself, however, you should understand where the pain is coming from. Some sources of pain are easier to decipher: you have a tension […]
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What medications can help me manage pain? Requested by Age2B visitor
by AGE2B
Medications can play an important role in managing pain. In fact, medications are the most common treatment for both acute and chronic pain. When used properly, medications help relieve pain, treat conditions that can accompany pain — such as anxiety or sleep problems — and improve quality of life. In addition to the potential relief […]
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The content provided on AGE2B website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered, nor should it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.