
February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Pseudogout
By Editorial Team (Y)
Symptoms of pseudogout Symptoms of pseudogout most often affect the knees. However, in some people, the ankles and wrists are also affected. Flare-ups of the condition tend to be intermittent, and during an episode of acute pseudogout, symptoms typically include: Joints that are swollen Increased warmth in affected joints Extreme pain in the affected joints […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Osteochondritis Dissecans
By Editorial Team (A)
Osteochondritis dissecans symptoms Osteochondritis dissecans typically produces the following signs and symptoms: Pain. It is the most frequently occurring symptom of osteochondritis dissecans. It usually is made worse by activities like walking uphill, climbing upstairs, or participating in sports. Joint locking or popping. The joints affected by osteochondritis dissecans can lock in one position or pop, especially […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Osteoarthritis
By Editorial Team (A)
Osteoarthritis symptoms The symptoms of osteoarthritis tend to come on slowly and gradually get worse over time. Signs and symptoms of OA include: Joint pain during movement or after it. Tenderness in your joint when it is lightly touched. Stiffness in your joint, especially when you get out of bed in the morning or following […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Morton’s Neuroma
By Editorial Team (Y)
Symptoms of Morton’s neuroma In most cases, nothing is visible on foot to indicate Morton’s neuroma. Morton’s neuroma symptoms that may appear include: Feeling as if there is a pebble inside your shoe when you step down. Pain that feels like burning is located in the ball of the foot. The pain may travel into […]
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February 14, 2022
Symptoms. Myofascial Pain Syndrome
By Editorial Team (A)
Myofascial pain syndrome symptoms Usually, people who have myofascial pain syndrome have the following signs and symptoms: Aching and deep pain in a muscle Pain that gets worse and does not get better over time An area of the muscle or “knot” that is very tender Trouble sleeping because of pain Complications There may be […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Broken ankle/broken foot
By Editorial Team (Y)
Broken ankle or broken foot risks The following factors increase your broken ankle or broken foot risks: Participation in high-impact sports: The twisting, direct force, and stress injuries that occur in hockey, football, gymnastics, tennis, ballet, skiing, snowboarding, and soccer can cause fractures of the ankle and foot. Using improper equipment: Wearing shoes that do not fit […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Avascular Necrosis
By Editorial Team (A)
Avascular necrosis symptoms In the early stages of avascular necrosis, the condition may produce no symptoms. However, as the disorder worsens, the joint that is affected may be painful with weight-bearing activity. Eventually, the joint affected by avascular necrosis is painful even at rest.The pain of avascular necrosis typically develops slowly over time. It can […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
By Editorial Team (A)
Anterior cruciate ligament injury symptoms People who have an anterior cruciate ligament injury or tear have varying symptoms. Sometimes people hear a “pop” or feel a popping sensation in their knee when the ACL injury or tear occurs. Within a short amount of time, the knee usually swells. The torn blood vessels in the injured […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Brachial Plexus Injury
By AGE2B team
Brachial plexus injury symptoms The signs and the symptoms of brachial plexus injuries can vary, depending on the location and severity of the injury. Typically, only one arm is affected. LESS SEVERE INJURIES Stretching or compression of the brachial plexus usually results in minor damage to the nerves. These types of injuries are common during […]
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February 4, 2022
Symptoms. Achilles tendon rupture
By AGE2B team
ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURE SYMPTOMS Some people can have an Achilles tendon rupture and be free from any pain or other symptoms. This is not usually the case. Most of the time, Achilles tendon rupture symptoms and signs include: Swelling and pain near and around the heel; pain may be intense Difficulty walking, including the inability […]
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