
February 23, 2022
Condition. Erectile dysfunction
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is an inability to get and hold an erection firm enough for sex.Experiencing problems with erection from time to time isn’t a reason for concern. Though, if you constantly encounter erectile dysfunction, it may lead to stress, contribute to relationship problems or/and affect your self-confidence. […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Infertility
By Editorial Team (A)
The term “infertility” describes an inability to get pregnant despite frequent unprotected sexual activity for at least a year for most people. However, in some cases, six months are enough to diagnose this condition. According to statistics, ten to fifteen percent of couples in the United States cannot become pregnant. Infertility may result from a […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Prostatitis
By Editorial Team (A)
Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the prostate gland. The classification of this disorder includes the prostatitis of chronic, acute, asymptomatic inflammatory types and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. According to the statistics, in the United States, every eights person visiting urologists has prostatitis. In addition, one percent of patients receiving primary physician care suffer from […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Bladder Cancer
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is bladder cancer? Bladder cancer is the development of any type of cancer in the epithelial lining of the urinary bladder, also known as urothelium. Non-epithelial cancers, such as sarcoma or lymphoma may also develop in the bladder. However, non-epithelial types of bladder cancer are not usually included in the vernacular term “bladder cancer”. […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Kidney cancer
By Editorial Team (A)
Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is cancer that develops in kidney cells. The two most common types of this condition include transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). They differ by the class of cells that are affected. It is worth mentioning that these cancer types develop distinctively and have different […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Ureteral obstruction
By Editorial Team (A)
Ureters are tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Their blockage can lead to a condition known as ureteral obstruction. This health issue is common and highly treatable. However, ureteral obstruction can cause severe complications if left without proper management. Ureteral obstruction causes There are several different types of ureteral obstruction. Therefore, […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Ureteral cancer
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is ureteral cancer? Ureteral cancer, also known as cancer of the ureter, is a condition in which cancerous cells grow on the inner surface of the ureters. Ureters are the small tubes that connect your bladder to your kidneys. In this way, the kidneys produce the urine, and ureters carry this urine to the […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Undescended testicle
By Editorial Team (A)
As a male fetus develops, testicles migrate from the abdomen to the skin bag under the penis. The last is called the scrotum. If the testicle doesn’t move as intended, the person develops an undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) condition. In most cases, this abnormality affects only one testis. Nevertheless, in around one in ten persons with […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Stress incontinence
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is stress urinary incontinence? Stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine due to pressure on your bladder. Certain activities and movements such as lifting heavy objects, running, sneezing or coughing elevate the stress (or pressure) on your bladder. As a result of increased pressure, you leak urine. Women are at higher risk of […]
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February 23, 2022
Condition. Testicular cancer
By Editorial Team (A)
Testicular cancer is a type of growth that affects testicles, which are also called testes. The last are male reproductive organs located in the scrotum, a loose skin bag under the penis. The primary role of testicles is the production of sperm and male sex hormones. Therefore, the proper functionality of testes is essential for […]
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