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By Editorial Team (2)
January 30, 2022

ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS is a system of physical exercises which are performed in a horizontal position on a flat surface. Thanks to a special initial position, ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS is able to effectively help with pain syndromes which occur in muscles, ligaments, and joints. 

  1. Are people with the fragile bones of osteoporosis allowed to perform ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

As a result of osteoporosis, bones lose their mass and become less dense. This can cause unexpected vertebral fractures, for example, during leaning forward. At the same time, regular physical loading strengthens bone tissue. That is why ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS suits patients with osteoporosis perfectly. It excludes axial loading on the spine.

  1. Are patients with an intervertebral disc hernia allowed to perform ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

Overloading of the intervertebral disc, for example, during physical training can often cause intervertebral disc herniation. ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS excludes twisting and bending loads on the spine, that is why it is allowed, even for patients with an intervertebral disc hernia. Moreover, remember that the symptoms of radiculitis and osteochondrosis of the spine improve much faster when exercise is started as early as possible. ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS suits that completely.

  1. Is a bedfast patient allowed to perform ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

A bed-bound person is at increased risk of complications due to physical immobility and can even die because of these complications.  ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS should be a necessary part of rehabilitation and treatment of such a patient.

  1. Is it possible to straighten a crooked spine with the help of ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

In the vast majority of cases, an abnormal spinal curvature can only be corrected surgically. Lateral curvature and “humpback” usually require extensive surgical interventions in order to be changed. However, gymnastics can slow down progression of the curvature in children. As for adults, these exercises maintain the muscles and ligaments of the spine, preventing the exacerbation of disease and pain.   

  1. What is the frequency of performing ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

If you are not a trained person, you can follow this program every other day, or daily. 

  1. What are the contraindications for performing ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS?

Just like other training systems, the contraindications include acute respiratory diseases (flu, pneumonia, etc.). It is not advisable to exercise during exacerbation of chronic diseases (during acute heart or respiratory failure). Bone injuries with bruises and wounds are also contraindications, including cranio-cerebral injury in the form of a brain concussion, and internal and external hemorrhage.  

  1. Is it allowed to perform ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS through pain, overcoming it?

Any pain indicates a disruption or injury of an organ. If you exercise through pain, you may additionally injure this part of your body. You should not cause yourself pain while doing the exercises. If you know the limit, where your pain starts, perform only exercises that are before that limit. In order not to feel pain, you can perform an exercise at half-strength, or partially, in an easier way, or replace it by an easier exercise. Later, as your muscles and ligaments become stronger and trained, you will be able to increase loading. 

  1. Is it possible to combine ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS with other types of physical activities? 

Performing ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS system exercises is a gentle type of physical training. It trains the spine stabilizers, the abdominal and back muscles well. At the same time, the loading it provides on the muscles of arms and legs is moderate and for some people it can seem to not be enough. That is why you can combine ANTI-PAIN GYMNASTICS with other systems of physical training: fitness, jogging, swimming, active games, walking, or any other types of physical activities, especially with cardio-trainings, which train the cardiovascular system.

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