
February 16, 2023
Military Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
The military diet is a three-day fad diet that claims to result in the loss of up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in a week. It combines three days of calorie restriction followed by four days off. Notably, this diet doesn't have any scientific evidence of its effectiveness.
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February 16, 2023
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
An anti-inflammatory diet invented by Andrew Weil focuses on consuming healthy, nutrient-rich, whole foods that contribute to the reduction of inflammation. As part of this eating program, you should choose and prepare foods that help you stay healthy. The anti-inflammatory eating plan claims to provide you with a steady energy and meet your nutritional needs in a way you can follow in the long run.
Even though this eating plan is not aimed at weight loss, some people may be able to lose weight while following it.
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September 6, 2022
3000-calorie Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
Most diets are designed to either lose or maintain weight. However, some people want to either build muscle mass or put on some weight. It is where a 3,000-calorie diet comes to help. In addition, people with some conditions, including infection or cancer, and those recovering after the surgery may have higher energy needs and benefit from a 3,000-calorie diet.
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August 30, 2022
TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet, also called the TLC diet, is an approach created by the National Institutes of Health that aims at improving heart health and reducing "bad" LDL cholesterol levels. The main lifestyle changes promoted by the TLC diet are giving up unhealthy dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle and introducing heart-healthy nutrition and regular physical activity.
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August 29, 2022
DNA-Based Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
Nowadays, you can find various eating programs on the internet. Some of them aim at health improvement, and others focus on weight loss or gaining mass. However, there is no diet that can be suitable for everyone. Therefore, scientists invented a kind of "personalized eating program" determined by the information collected from DNA and blood analysis. It is called a DNA-based diet. Such an eating plan is also beneficial since it considers possible intolerances and allergies.
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August 28, 2022
Lectin-Free Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
A lectin-free diet is a nutritional approach that encourages people to eliminate lectin-containing foods from their diet. It involves avoiding beans, lentils, grains, cow milk, etc. Proponents of this nutritional approach state that the lectin-free diet can help boost your energy levels and mood, improve gut health, reduce bloating, decrease the risk of getting sick, and lose weight. However, research is needed to prove these claims.
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August 28, 2022
Vertical Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
The vertical diet was created to contribute to muscle mass gaining and enhancing performance for athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, as well as common gym-goers. This eating program encourages consuming primarily red meat and white rice along with other easily digestible products to boost the intake of carbohydrates and proteins. The diet was invented by Stan Efferding, a powerlifter. In contrast to classic diets that encourage diverse food groups, the vertical eating plan promotes the consumption of a limited number of high-quality, nutrient-dense products.
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August 28, 2022
Scandi Sense Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
The Scandi Sense Diet encourages using your hands instead of equipment to measure food. This eating program was invented by Suzy Wengel and aims to enhance weight loss. The name the Scandi Sense Diet is referred to as "common sense" because it is based on common sense regarding the types and amounts of food we eat.
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August 26, 2022
80/20 Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
The 80/20 Diet is a nutritional approach that balances healthy eating with enjoying the less healthy foods you love. The concept of this diet involves choosing whole, nutrient-dense foods 80% of the time and going for some treats for the rest 20%. Such an approach helps you not feel deprived and, therefore, increases the chance of sticking with the diet. In addition, the 80/20 Diet allows you to enjoy foods you love without feeling guilty for eating, beneficially impacting your mental health.
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August 22, 2022
Clean Eating
By Editorial Team (Y)
The clean eating plan focuses on the quality and origin of the products instead of their calorie content and nutrient composition. Following this eating pattern, you choose minimally processed foods that contain limited or no food coloring, artificial sweeteners, or other additives. Commonly, it is thought that the shorter the route between the source of your food and the plate, the better your health will be. The food you consume should be maximally close to its natural state. Therefore, a clean diet eliminates soy, grains, dairy, legumes, and other processed products.
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