
August 22, 2022
Galveston Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
The Galveston diet is a nutritional approach developed by Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Its main goal is to help women during menopause balance hormones, reduce inflammation in the body, and lose weight gained due to menopausal changes. In addition, components that comprise the Galveston diet may decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance. However, additional studies are needed to prove that this nutritional approach has mentioned benefits.
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August 22, 2022
20/20 Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
Nowadays, people try to find different diet plans that build up weight loss and health benefits. One of such weight loss programs is the 20/20 diet invented by Dr. Phil McGraw, which encourages eating 20 power foods. The 20/20 eating program represents a four-phase program that induces weight loss based on the concept of "power foods". This dining plan boosts weight loss due to the thermic effect of the products.
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August 21, 2022
Intuitive Eating
By Editorial Team (A)
Most modern diets employ restrictions on food groups, meal timing, or portion size. However, such an approach makes it more and more challenging to understand your body's needs. As a result, people with a long history of dieting may not recognize hunger and fullness signals, suffer from emotional Eating, or simply cannot understand what they are craving at a given moment.
Intuitive Eating is an eating style that focuses on healthy relationships with food and positive body image. It is a non-dietary approach that promotes being attentive to your body's signals like hunger and satiety. In addition, the concept of Intuitive Eating doesn't consider any food to be forbidden.
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August 8, 2022
Omni Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
Have you ever heard that food can be a drug? Tana Amen proved it by developing the Omni Diet, which improved her health and the health of thousands of people.
The Omni diet is an eating plan that allows you to take the benefits of eating plant-based foods while balancing them with lean animal proteins. At the same time, it restricts the consumption of sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, dairy, potatoes, corn, and soy.
By balancing the consumption of plant-derived food and lean protein, this nutritional approach allows you to feel energized, decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and some types of cancer, and reduce inflammation in the body. What's more, the Omni Diet promotes weight loss.
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August 22, 2022
One Meal a Day (OMAD) Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
One Meal a Day diet is an eating plan based on fasting for 23 hours and consuming food for 1 hour in a single meal. This type of intermitted fasting is also known as the OMAD diet. You can include any products you wish in this single meal. In addition, during the fasting window, you are permitted to drink regular water, sparkling water, pure coffee without sugar and milk, as well as pure tea.
The OMAD eating plan contributes to weight loss by enhancing your body's ability of fat burning. Besides decreasing weight, this diet claims to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, along with lowering the risk of insulin resistance and the development of diseases.
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August 8, 2022
Sirtfood Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
Sirtuins (SIRTs) are signaling proteins that take part in metabolism regulation. These compounds are believed to slow down aging and decrease inflammation in the body.
A Sirtfood diet is a nutritional approach that involves ingesting sirtfoods and calorie restriction to promote the production of sirtuins by the body. Creators of this diet plan claim that it helps activate your "skinny genes." In addition, they state that following the Sirtfood diet will lead to rapid weight loss while keeping muscle mass and protecting you from chronic diseases. There is, however, a need for more research to support these claims.
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August 7, 2022
Pritikin Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
Some diets have been popular for decades and are still widely used nowadays. Nutritional approaches such as the Pritikin Diet, which Nathan Pritikin developed in the 1970s, are among them.
The Pritikin Diet is a nutritional approach that stresses the importance of eating low-fat foods loaded with fiber. In addition, this diet encourages you to consider food quality rather than the number of calories, allowing you to be more in tune with your body when it comes to hunger and fullness signals. Nathan Pritikin and his followers claim that this diet aids in weight loss, heart health improvement, cholesterol levels decrease, and reducing inflammation.
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August 22, 2022
Fruitarian Diet
By Editorial Team (Y)
The fruitarian diet, AKA fruitarianism, is an extremely restrictive dieting plan that emphasizes consuming mainly fruits. This vegan eating plan disqualifies eating all foods of animal origin and encourages eating primarily natural fruits. Vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, and seeds are also allowed in moderation in the fruitarian diet.
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August 7, 2022
Nordic diet
By Editorial Team (A)
Well-balanced diets that emphasize eating whole foods while don't eliminate entire food groups are considered the best option if your goal is maintaining good health and overall well-being. The Nordic diet falls in this category.
The Nordic diet is an eating pattern typical for people who live in Nordic countries, including Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, and Iceland. It emphasizes substituting processed foods with whole, seasonal, regional food. This diet has many similarities with the Mediterranean but promotes using canola oil rather than extra virgin olive oil.
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August 7, 2022
Pegan Diet
By Editorial Team (A)
There have long been discussions about the benefits of the Paleo diet, a nutritional approach that resembles the eating pattern of people living in the Paleolithic era. However, aside from being pretty restrictive, this diet characterizes by a high intake of meat and saturated fat, which is concerning for many individuals.
The pegan diet combines principles of two popular nutritional approaches: the Paleo and the vegan diet. It involves eating whole foods rich in nutrients, with about 75% of calories derived from plant sources and 25% from animal ones. Thus, the pegan diet offers the benefits of sustainable eating with an emphasis on whole foods without being overly restrictive.
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