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February 22, 2022
Condition. Facial neuropathy
By Editorial Team (A)
Facial neuropathy, also called trigeminal neuralgia, is a condition characterized by chronic pain that affects the trigeminal nerve. This nerve transmits sensation from the face to the brain. If the person suffers from trigeminal neuralgia, even slight stimulation of the face can induce intense pain. Firstly, the person experiences short and mild pain onsets. However, […]
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February 22, 2022
Condition. CRPS/RSD/Causalgia
By Editorial Team (Y)
What do CRPS and RSD mean? Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS). It is a chronic pain disorder that is characterized by a high level of nerve messages being sent to the affected area of the body, even if only a mild injury has occurred.Most medical experts […]
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February 22, 2022
Treatment. Fibromyalgia
By Editorial Team (Y)
Fibromyalgia diagnosis If you experience widespread pain throughout the body for at least three months, your doctor may check you for a fibromyalgia diagnosis.If you suffer from pain in at least four of the five following body regions, you meet the criteria for fibromyalgia diagnosis. Left upper region that includes the shoulder, arm, or jaw Right […]
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February 22, 2022
Treatment. Facial neuropathy
By Editorial Team (A)
Facial neuropathy, or trigeminal neuralgia, is a condition that affects the trigeminal nerve and results in painful sensations. The last may range from light to severe and usually appears in a pattern of attacks. Nowadays, there are various treatments available. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia are imperative. Trigeminal neuralgia diagnosis Generally, a […]
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February 22, 2022
Condition. Fibromyalgia
By Editorial Team (Y)
What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder characterized by pain that is chronic and occurs in many different locations throughout the body and increased sensitivity to pressure. Musculoskeletal pain caused by fibromyalgia may also be accompanied by memory, sleep, mood issues, as well as fatigue. Fibromyalgia symptoms Primary fibromyalgia symptoms include: Widespread pain is a […]
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February 22, 2022
Treatment. Post-Traumatic Headache
By Editorial Team (Y)
Post-traumatic headache diagnosis Many times, post-traumatic headaches are not recognized immediately following mild trauma. Therefore, if you have suffered a mild concussion, you may not be seen in a clinic or emergency room. If you are seen by a doctor and diagnosed with a concussion or traumatic brain injury, your doctor may refer you to […]
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February 22, 2022
Condition. Foot pain
By Editorial Team (Y)
Your foot is a complex network of bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons strong enough to support the weight of your body. However, your foot is susceptible to injury and pain. Foot pain causes Foot pain or the feeling of discomfort in the foot can be caused by injury to or a disorder of any of […]
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February 22, 2022
Doctors, who treat pain
By Editorial Team (A)
What is a pain management specialist? A pain management specialist is a doctor who has had special education and training in assessing, diagnosing, and treating people who have different types of pain. Pain includes a wide variety of disorders, including chronic and acute pain, back pain, and cancer. Many different diseases and disorders can cause […]
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February 22, 2022
Treatment. Discogenic pain
By Editorial Team (A)
Discogenic pain is the neck or lower back pain that usually comes from intervertebral discs. There are many ways in which the discs may be damaged. In addition, they start degenerating over a lifespan. However, these conditions don’t always cause painful sensations. Therefore, proper diagnostics is essential to identify the cause of back pain and […]
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February 22, 2022
Condition. Discogenic pain
By Editorial Team (A)
Discogenic pain occurs because of abnormalities of an intervertebral disc. It can be associated with problems of the disc itself, such as a tear in the disc’s outer wall. In addition, it can occur when the material from within the disc causes pressure or irritates the spinal cord or the nerve roots. Intervertebral discs are […]
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The content provided on AGE2B website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered, nor should it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.