
July 20, 2022
Regulation of Protein Synthesis
By Editorial Team (Y)
The addition of Khavinson peptides to cell cultures induced a tissue-specific protein stimulation in the cell of the particular organ, from which these peptides were obtained. This effect of increased protein synthesis by Khavinson peptides was observed in both young and old animals. It has been found that small peptides stimulate the expression of differentiation […]
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July 20, 2022
Regulation of gene expression
By Editorial Team (A)
Researches revealed that small labeled peptides enter the cytoplasm, nucleus, and nucleolus of the HeLa cells (a type of immortal cell used for scientific studies). It is known that a eukaryotic cell’s nucleus has a system of holes called nucleopores. These pores consist of protein complexes called nucleoporins, and their inner diameter is about 50 […]
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February 1, 2022
Application of Khavinson Peptides
By Editorial Team (Y)
Epithalamin According to a randomized comparative study that lasted 15 years in elderly people with premature aging of the cardiovascular system, it was found that application of Khavinson peptide supplement known as “Epithalamin” slows down the progression of aging and reduces the mortality rate. By the end of this experiment, 16 of 40 (40%) patients […]
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February 1, 2022
History and mission of Khavinson peptides
By Editorial Team (A)
The process of aging is predetermined evolutionary. According to UN statistics, the number of older adults is constantly rising worldwide. It is valid for both absolute numbers and percentage-wise. This process would undoubtedly create challenges related to public health and social welfare. In terms of evolution, the global aging of the population necessitates the need […]
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February 1, 2022
Copper peptides
By Editorial Team (A)
Nowadays, people talk a lot about copper peptides as a beauty trend. But what are these peptides, and how do they work? People gradually lose collagen and elastin needed to keep the skin smooth and firm in a normal aging process. In addition, some habits, including smoking and overexposure to the sun, may speed up […]
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January 31, 2022
Peptides overview
By Editorial Team (Y)
What are peptides? Peptides are short chains of amino acids, usually consisting of 2-50 amino acids. Proteins are also built from amino acids, but they contain much more of them. Peptides are easier for the body to absorb in comparison with proteins because they are smaller and thus faster broken down than proteins. In addition, […]
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February 1, 2022
Antimicrobial Peptides
By Editorial Team (Y)
Antimicrobial peptides definition Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are short and typically positively charged peptides that can be found in various organisms, from microorganisms to humans. They are also known as host defense peptides. Some antimicrobial peptides are able to kill microbes directly, while others indirectly modify the defense system of the host. Because of the rapid […]
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